# Development Environment
The source code of Service Lifecycle Management is not yet publicly available. At the moment, only the executables are available in the form of Docker images. The source code is expected to be made public by the end of 2022.
# Local development
# Install
To setup the latest snapshot version, checkout the develop branch of the fabos-slm-setup GitHub repository (opens new window) and follow the installation instructions.
# Configuration
1) Edit compose file
Edit in file compose/config-exporter.yml
the volume path and environment as described below.
1.1) Set volume path
Edit the host path of this volume
- {{ /path/to/core/project/on/your/computer }}:/project
to the path of core project on your local computer. If you are using Docker Desktop for Windows add the above path
in Settings -> Resources -> FILE SHARING
1.2) Environment
Set the environment variable CONFIGURE_CORE_PROJECT
to true
2) Run config exporter
Wait until the stack is fully started and all init containers have stopped. Then run the config exporter container, which will override the configuration files in your core project (not yet public available):
docker-compose up --force-recreate config-exporter
3) IDE Stop the containers relevant for your development and start the components in your IDE. Through the Config Exporter, the your local project has been configured to allow the components started via IDE to connect to the locally deployed stack.
# Build
To build the Docker images of in the setup repository (opens new window) use the following commands:
docker-compose -f build.yml -f {{ compose file containing the service to be built }}.yml build --no-cache awx-fixed-files
docker-compose -f build.yml -f {{ compose file containing the service to be built }}.yml build --no-cache